This is the basic overall schedule for the Mighty Uke Day 15 weekend
(complete detailed schedule available below)

Friday 5/9
12:00 Check in begins
12:30 Flash Mob
2 – 5:00 Workshops
5 – 7:00 Dinner on your own
6:30 – 7:00 Pre-Concert Strum with Pete McCarty
7:30 Evening Concert (Doors at 7:00)
10:30 After-Concert Strum at SpringHill Suites

Saturday 5/10
9:00 Wake Up Saturday Concert with Abby Lyons
10:00 Opening Strum

11 – 5:00 Workshops
11 – 5:00 MUD Light activities (donations welcomed): beginning lessons, group strums, open mic, featured performers, childrens activities
5 – 7:00 Dinner on your own
6:30 – 7:00 Pre-Concert Strum with Pete McCarty
7:30 Evening Concert (Doors at 7:00) 
10:30 After-Concert Strum at SpringHill Suites

Sunday 5/11
1:00 Acoustic Afterglow Concert at MSU Community Music School


Complete schedule for Mighty Uke Day 15 v2!
There will probably be a couple of changes in the schedule before the festival, including a listing of childrens activities,  but this will give you a good idea of what Mighty Uke Day will have to offer!
(You can click here to get the latest update.)

Mighty Uke Day 15 Workshop and Level Descriptions v2



Friday Flash Mob

Saturday Opening Strum
Saturday Lunch Strum
Friday Night Strum
Saturday Night Strum